Recruiting Across Borders In Life Sciences  

Default Author • mar. 04, 2022

In an industry where skilled talent is in high demand, organisations are extending their candidate search around the globe.

Life Sciences (and the STEM sector more widely) has a talent problem. There just isn’t enough talent to go around. This means that competition among employers is fierce while skilled life sciences candidates have more opportunities than ever to advance their career around the globe. But what does this mean for hiring managers? Their talent pool is smaller and more dispersed than ever before. They need to not only be experts in local recruitment but also in discovering top candidates on the international stage. If they haven’t got the skills to go global in their talent search, they need to get them, and fast. However, finding candidates across borders presents some challenges, so we’ve brought together our top advice for cross-border recruitment in Life Sciences, below.

Use technology to overcome logistics.

OK, so it’s probably not practical to fly that impressive candidate from Dubai into your London office for a preliminary chat. But video conferencing is a practical and useful option for getting to know remote candidates better. Video conferencing provides insights into body language and personality as well as practical skillsets. Make sure you use technology to stay connected throughout the recruitment process.

Do your research.

Different regions and countries have varied cultural norms and attitudes to the recruitment process. Move into a country without doing your research and you’re unlikely to successfully attract the attention of in-demand candidates. Instead, leverage local know-how from inside your business or connect with expert local recruiters to make sure you are the employer that candidates want to get to know better.

Don’t forget candidate engagement.

It’s easy to forget some of the talent basics when you start searching for candidates outside of your comfort zone. Candidate engagement is a key part of your toolkit in a skills-short market and that engagement has to extend outside of your major locations. Ensure candidate materials and articles are available in multiple languages and that you engage smartly over social media in countries with a strong life sciences community.

Be engaged with the global life sciences community.

If you want global candidates to see you as a desirable employer, then you need to ensure that you are a visible part of the global life sciences community. This means attending events, sharing content and being a thought leader in the field. Industry influence and prestige is highly attractive to international candidates looking to build an impressive resume.

Create an international talent pool.

An international approach to talent shouldn’t start with a candidate search. You need to prepare for a globalised talent market by creating a truly global talent pool. This means connecting with potential international candidates on social media, researching competitors and maintaining a relationship with second and third place candidates over the long term.

Offer attractive relocation options.

In a busy global talent market, relocation packages can be a huge defining factor in attracting highly sought-after candidates. Make sure yours is generous enough to be worth a closer look. Relocation can also be a stressful process for candidates however much they want the job. Providing proper support during this period can help you retain the very best talent in the long term.

Understand the legalities.

Bringing people across borders and into your organisation is tied up in all sorts of intricate legalities. Make sure you get expert advice on work permits and regulations before you get started on your candidate search. This is an area of the global recruitment process where it pays to be prepared.

Are you looking to expand your team? Our life sciences experts can help you stand out in a competitive market. Get in touch with us to find out more.

TAG :- Life Sciences, Employers

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