Find a job quicky in Portugal  

Kelly • abr. 06, 2023

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Our country is naturally very sought after by people coming from Portuguese speaking countries, namely Brazilians. In these cases, as they are not European Union countries, one of the biggest headaches is how the whole immigration process will take place. You should know that the essential thing is to arrive with a work visa. This is so that the process is legal, and you can start working in Portugal. Please also note that this visa must be issued in the country of origin. If your country is a country belonging to the European Union, then you don't have to worry. You can come without any visa and start looking for a job right here. Another important piece of information that many seek to know before venturing into a country change is the national minimum wage. In 2023 the national minimum wage in Portugal is 760€, and according to the latest data from INE - Instituto Nacional de Estatística, the national average wage is 1353€. If your goal is to move to another country, finding a job will be essential for your integration to take place in a healthy and positive way. We leave you 5 TIPS TO FIND A QUICK JOB IN PORTUGAL.


 Linkedin s the star of the social media for job seekers. So, if you haven't created a profile on this social network yet, you'd better start thinking about it. Follow all the steps to create a champion profile (create a profile and cover image, write a short text about yourself, state your skills, and update your academic and professional profile. It is also important to get some testimonials from former work colleagues on your profile. Don't be shy to ask for this feedback! A good way to do this is to recommend someone's good work and ask for a recommendation in return. Create a good network of contacts and work on networking. This is what LinkedIn is all about. A social network where people who share common interests come together. Search for people within your professional interests, whether you know them personally or not. Then, start interacting. Create posts, comment on others' posts. Show yourself and get noticed!


Searching on job sites and betting on Recruitment Agencies can be a huge help in your search for a job in Portugal. Through the internet, wherever you are, just search for the type of job you want, as well as the place where you want to work. And there are several companies that allow you to attach your CV and motivation letter with just one click. In addition, by registering with this type of company, your data will be kept for future opportunities compatible with your profile. You should also know that the IPEF - Institute of Employment and Professional Training is a public service which provides information on job vacancies and professional training courses. Contact this service to find out if you can register as a foreign citizen and how they can help you find a job.


No less important is keeping the documents that identify you as a professional up to date. Your CV should contain recent information and be of a current design, appropriate to your area of work. Do not neglect the creation of a Motivation Letter This is the document that will differentiate you from other candidates. You should customize a Motivation Letter for each company you are applying to, whenever you see the need.


To feel motivated, it is essential to create a job search routine. It's almost like a job. Have a specific schedule or day for it. This is the only way you can stay focused and be able to accomplish the goal of getting a positive response from the other side.


If you are no longer studying, you can always continue to train. Look for an area that you like and find out in which areas it is worth investing your time to develop your skills. The labor market is increasingly competitive, and this will always be an added value that you will take with you. Recruiters will recognize your value. Extra tip! If you are a finance professional contact Kelly. We can help you find a job quickly in Portugal. Apply to our current job offers here and wait for our feedback. Good Luck!

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