How to find a job during covid  

Default Author • fev. 12, 2021

​​​Covid-19 has marked a change in countless aspects around the world. No one could imagine that 2020 would be accompanied by a pandemic that would transform everyone’s life.

The job search became more complicated, many companies had to lay off several employees and others had to close the door on new hires.

Lockdown and social distance have accelerated the transition to remote work and many companies had to re-evaluate their work structure. The effects of the pandemic have been reflected in the recruitment process, to protect recruiters and candidates, as well as in the skills that companies are requesting in their job openings.

However, this should not be an impediment to your persistence in looking for work. With all the technology at hand, achieving your ideal job position is possible. To ease this process, at Kelly Services we share with you the best tips for finding work during this pandemic.

Search for teleworking jobs

Currently, telework offers have increased, so we recommend that you widen your search for this type of offers. The advantage of this type of work is that you can do it anywhere in the world, you just need good Internet connection. Do not limit yourself to job in your area of residence, more and more companies are requesting remote employees to hire them permanently.

Update your curriculum

Keep in mind that you are not the only candidate for a particular job opening. As such, update your curriculum following our recommendations:

  • Be brief and concise. Even if you have a lot of experience, consider only the most recent or most relevant positon
  • Pay attention to your spelling and the way you write. Small details make a big difference.
  • Describe your strengths and skills.
  • Include a photograph and make sure it fits into a professional context.

Improve your LinkedIn profile

Make sure you have a professional profile Photograph and that your work experience is up to date. Ask your contacts to help you assess your skills.

Add to your contact list the recruiters of the companies you are interested in, so you can contact them in case you are interested in any job offers. Remember to approach them with caution and respect, as you can make a bad first impression if you are too insistent.

Consider your contact list

Your job search should go beyond consulting new job offers on specialized job platforms. You should check your contact list, call your former co-workers, send a message to your university colleagues, and look for someone who can help you find a new job.

Improve your skills

Given the current situation and the competitive job market, it is essential that you have sufficient knowledge or that you seek to specialize in your areas of interest. Take advantage of online courses and certifications, many of which are free. Lockdown is a great opportunity for personal growth.

Prepare for virtual interviews

Before and online interview, remember to study your employer, research the company and the position which you applied. In addition, be prepared to answer questions about the reasons that make you the ideal candidate for the position. This will show motivation and dedication to the company.

Remember that employers are looking for people who know how to turn difficult situations into opportunities, so make sure you develop your skills and increase your contact list. In addition, it is best to maintain a positive attitude when looking for work, this way the job you achieve will exceed your expectations.

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