Brilliant Answers to the Most Common Job Interview Questions  

Default Author • dez. 12, 2020

​​​​​​​​​Congratulations! You’ve been invited to interview for the position you really, really want. Now all you have to do is make a great impression on the hiring manager. Here’s how to come up with brilliant answers to three of the most common job interview questions.

Why do you want to leave your current job?

The key here is to be honest—while always remaining positive about your current employer and colleagues. Emphasize that you enjoy your work and have accomplished a lot with your current company. Then frame the reason you’re looking to leave.

For example, as The Balance Careersadvises, if you want to advance into management, you could state something like, “I’ve been successfully leading projects for the past two years, and I believe I’m ready to move into a management position. However, my employer already has very talented managers in place who aren’t looking to leave.”

Or if you’re no longer interested in the projects your company’s working on, you could say, “When I started with this employer, my interests were very much aligned with their product. However, over the past year, I’ve learned more about this new technology that you’re working with and I’d love the opportunity to focus my energy here.”

What interests you about this role?

To answer this question properly, you need to have done your homework about the job you’re applying for and the company you’re applying with. Research what you’ll be doing in the job and how your work would tie into the company’s mission.

Let’s say you’re applying for a role as a marketing manager for a startup. A good answer would be, “I’m excited about the opportunity to lead a small group of talented people and create an effective go-to-market strategy that truly shows how unique your product is. It’s uncharted territory, and I’m up for the challenge.”

Why should we hire you?

Here, it’s important to show your passion by demonstrating that you go above and beyond what’s expected of you. It’s also advisable to emphasize the fact that you have high standards when it comes to your own performance and enjoy working with a team of like-minded individuals.

For instance, using the example above, you could say, “I’ve completed additional courses on my own time, and as a result, I now have a good grasp of both content marketing and paid search. You can see on my résumé how my knowledge helped my current company increase sales by 20 percent over one quarter. You see, I set the bar high for myself, and I enjoy working with others who are equally aspirational.”

Prepare properly for the job interview

Before your job interview, take some time to review your achievements and how they helped your past and current employers. In addition, determine how you could best put your talents to use in the position you’re applying for. If you prepare in this manner, you stand a good chance of acing the interview and getting the job.


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